Three Things to Know About Venezuela’s Presidential Election

1. The Stakes and Candidates

The 2024 presidential election in Venezuela is anticipated to be a significant turning point for the nation. This election has the potential to bring an end to the divisive presidency of Nicolás Maduro, as it is scheduled for July 28, the birthday of the late Hugo Chávez. Maduro, who has been in power since 2013 following Chávez’s demise, is currently seeking a third six-year term. Severe political repression, hyperinflation, and economic collapse have plagued his administration. 

Following the disqualification of prominent opposition figures such as María Corina Machado, Edmundo González Urrutia, the primary opposition candidate for the Unitary Platform, has intervened. The government prohibited Machado from participating on allegations that were widely perceived as politically motivated.​​ (Connecticut Public)​​ (Wikipedia)​.

2. Electoral Integrity and Challenges

The forthcoming election’s integrity is currently being closely monitored. The National Electoral Council (CNE), which supervises the voting process, is under the control of Maduro’s administration, which also controls all the main branches of government. The election’s impartiality has been widely questioned as a result of this concentration of power. Government manipulation, such as media control and restrictive electoral laws that are designed to disenfranchise voters, has been the subject of concern from international observers and opposition groups.

For example, the majority of the 5.5 million Venezuelans who reside abroad, the majority of whom are critical of Maduro’s regime, have been subjected to onerous voting requirements. These measures effectively disenfranchise a substantial portion of the electorate, which raises serious concerns about the legitimacy of the election outcome. (Connecticut Public)​​ (CSIS)​.

Maduro’s government has been accused of voter intimidation and deception in previous elections. According to reports, loyalist groups and government forces have been employed to intimidate electors and suppress opposition activities. 

The government is expected to employ comparable strategies in this election, utilizing its influence over the electoral process to sway the outcome in Maduro’s favor. The opposition is mobilizing support and advocating for increased transparency and international supervision, despite these obstacles. (Connecticut Public)​​ (CSIS)​.

3. International Implications and Potential Outcomes

Due to its potential impact on democratic norms and regional stability, the international community is closely monitoring the election. 

Maduro’s administration has been subjected to widespread condemnation and sanctions from a variety of countries and international organizations due to its systematic human rights violations and its degradation of democratic institutions. 

The future is uncertain if González is successful. The country may be thrown into a constitutional crisis or even violent confrontations if Maduro refuses to relinquish power peacefully, given his control over the military and judiciary.​ (Wikipedia)​​ (CSIS)​.

A victory for the opposition could potentially restore a certain degree of economic stability and democracy in Venezuela, signaling a significant shift. 

The return of the nearly 8 million Venezuelans who have fled the country as a result of the ongoing crisis is likely to be encouraged by such an outcome. 

Nevertheless, the opposition encounters substantial obstacles in preserving unity among its members and ensuring a fair election. The international community’s role will be essential in ensuring that the will of the Venezuelan people is respected and that democratic processes are supported.​ (Wikipedia)​​ (CSIS)​.

The Road to Elections

The path to the 2024 election has been characterized by numerous obstacles. The opposition has encountered numerous challenges in establishing a unified front, as the political climate in Venezuela is exceedingly polarized. 

The government’s efforts to suppress dissent and exert control over the media have impeded the ability of opposition candidates to engage voters. Additionally, the CNE, which is dominated by Maduro loyalists, has been accused of supervising a process that is rife with fraud and irregularities. 

In spite of these obstacles, the opposition has mobilized substantial support and is advocating for reforms to guarantee a more equitable election.​ (CSIS)​.

Historical Context

Venezuela’s present political crisis has profound origins. The country has been experiencing a socioeconomic crisis under Maduro since 2010, and momentarily under Chávez. 

The quality of life for a significant number of Venezuelans has been significantly impacted by hyperinflation, rampant crime, and shortages of essential goods. 

Maduro’s government responded to the opposition’s majority in the National Assembly in 2015 by depriving the Assembly of its powers and establishing a parallel constituent assembly that was dominated by government supporters. 

This action effectively negated the opposition’s legislative victory and further solidified Maduro’s authoritarian rule.​ (CSIS)​.

Maduro was re-elected in 2018 in a referendum that was widely criticized as fraudulent. Numerous irregularities were reported, and major opposition parties were prohibited from participating. 

The election results were not acknowledged by the international community, which resulted in a protracted political crisis, including the United States and the European Union. 

The opposition is afforded a critical opportunity to challenge Maduro’s authority and establish democratic governance in Venezuela during the 2024 election.​ (Wikipedia)​.

Electoral Manipulations and Voter Suppression

The Venezuelan government has implemented a variety of strategies to impede the electoral process. State-controlled outlets dominate the airwaves and restrict opposition access, resulting in widespread media censorship. 

Furthermore, the government has employed its oversight of the judiciary to invalidate opposition candidates on the basis of fabricated legal justifications. These strategies have established an unequal playing field, which has impeded the ability of the opposition to compete equitably.​ (Connecticut Public)​​ (CSIS)​.

Another substantial concern is voter suppression. Venezuelans residing abroad, the majority of whom are opposed to Maduro’s regime, have been subjected to stringent voting requirements by the government. 

The electoral process has been further distorted in favor of the incumbent as a result of these measures, which have effectively disenfranchised millions of voters. The opposition is striving to mobilize electors and guarantee that their voices are heard, despite these obstacles.​ (Connecticut Public)​​ (CSIS)​.

International Reactions and Support

 hts organizations have advocated for increased transparency and international oversight of the election. These endeavors are designed to guarantee that the Venezuelan populace’s will is honored and that the election results are believable.​ (Connecticut Public)​​ (Wikipedia)​.

Additionally, senior Venezuelan and U.S. officials have resumed direct negotiations with the objective of resolving the political crisis and investigating potential avenues for a peaceful resolution. 

These discussions are essential for establishing the foundation for prospective negotiations following the election, particularly if the opposition prevails and Maduro declines to relinquish power. The humanitarian crisis that has afflicted Venezuela for years must be addressed through international diplomatic efforts to support Venezuela’s transition back to democracy.​ (Wikipedia)​​ (CSIS)​.


The 2024 presidential election in Venezuela is a critical juncture that has the potential to significantly alter the country’s future. 

The election’s outcome will have far-reaching implications, as Maduro’s administration is facing significant opposition both domestically and internationally. It is essential to guarantee a fair and transparent process in order to resolve the severe economic and social crises that Venezuela is currently experiencing and to restore democratic norms. 

The Venezuelan people will require the international community’s support and vigilance in this endeavor, as they strive to reclaim their democracy and establish a more stable and prosperous future.​ (Connecticut Public)​​ (Wikipedia)​​ (CSIS)​.

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